Your Egg Bank

Lucina Egg Bank Is The Nation's Leading Egg Donor Program

We are taking the egg bank model to the next level. Whether you are an Egg Donor or donor recipient, we make creating a family an enjoyable process.

become an egg donor in usa

Our Vision

Let Lucina Egg Bank Help You Start Your Family Today

Lucina is the Roman goddess of light and fertility, safeguarding women through childbirth. At Lucina Egg Bank, we are dedicated to helping you start your family by taking the frozen egg bank concept to the next level.

How We Help

Comprehensive Screening and Rigid Protocols

As all aspects of our customized donation program are completed by our highly skilled staff at our state-of-the-art facility, you can relax in the knowledge that we provide the highest possible level of excellence and care.
Mother holding baby's hand - Lucina Egg Bank

Why Choose Us

The Partner On Your Journey

For Egg Donors

The Gift of a Family to Others with Guaranteed Compensation

  • You don’t need to be matched with a recipient
  • Completely anonymous, and we offer generous reimbursement with premiums to all our donors
  • A dedicated support team
  • Customized Egg Donor stimulation protocols ensure your safety

For Intended Parents

We Believe That Everyone Has the Right to Become a Parent

  • We are working with Intended Parents of all backgrounds.
  • State-of-the-art facilities with premium Egg Donors
  • Immediately available eggs to be shipped to your fertility clinic
  • Survival rate of 92.4%
  • We guarantee that at least one blastocyst embryo will develop from each cohort of eggs

ReflEggction AI - The Future of Egg Donor Matching

Choosing an Egg Donor can be a daunting and time-consuming process. You want to find a donor who shares your physical traits, personality, values, and most of all, has facial resemblance with you or your partner. But how do you find the right one for you?

Lucina ReflEggction face match gif 2 v3

Egg Donor Guarantee Programs

Have peace of mind when you entrust your family dreams to us.

Embryo Creation Guarantee

Our commitment to our Intended Parents is to ensure that every cohort results in the production of at least one blastocyst embryo. If the conditions of the guarantee are met, we will provide a replacement cohort free of charge.

For Additional details, please get in touch with us.

PGT-A Euploid Blastocyst Guarantee

We ensure that at least one Euploid Blastocyst is produced from each cohort of at least six eggs. If the recipient IVF center fails to create a Euploid Blastocyst, despite a normal semen analysis, Lucina will provide a complimentary replacement cohort of at least six (6) frozen eggs. 

Get in touch with us for more details.

Benefits of Frozen Eggs

Our Frozen Egg Bank Gives You a More Flexible Approach to Treatment

Baby Born Through Lucina Egg Donation

Fresh Donor Cycle

  1. Historically, Egg Donation has only occurred through fresh cycles.
  2. This type of donation is full of uncertainty and recipients are often left disappointed due to canceled donor cycles or fewer-than-expected mature eggs being received after egg collection.
  3. Furthermore, as donors will typically only travel to a clinic in their local area, the selection of available donors is limited, making it difficult to find your perfect match.

Frozen Donor Cycle With Us

  1. Our donor eggs are frozen and immediately available to be used by you at a significantly lower cost compared to fresh donations.
  2. This means you know exactly how many mature eggs you will be receiving before your treatment begins, giving you peace of mind.
  3. As all our donor eggs are already collected, you can coordinate your pregnancy without having to synchronize your cycle with a donor’s, giving you flexibility when you decide to start your family.
  4. Because we have an extensive selection of donors available from across the world, your chances of finding a perfect match are greatly improved compared to fresh donations.
  5. We teamed up with various fertility financing partners to give you more financial freedom. Check out our existing partner benefits here.

Success Stories

Read Our Favorite Inspirational Success Stories From Our Past Parents

cute Baby
My husband and I started trying for a baby one year after we got married. Initially, we thought we would conceive within a couple of months. But after a year passed and we still haven't had our baby, we visited a clinic and began the fertility testing. The results didn't provide any clue as to why we couldn't get pregnant. We first decided to try intrauterine insemination (IUI). After four unsuccessful IUI cycles, we proceeded to IVF. We completed two rounds of IVF, both unsuccessful. We then decided to change clinics after a frustrating discussion with the doctor. We then met with Dr. David Harari at Lucina. He conducted more tests, but the results still came back the same – unexplained infertility. We had another IVF cycle, and we became pregnant! We were extremely happy. We could not believe it. Unfortunately, I lost the pregnancy two weeks later. We were…Read More
cute baby laughing
I could recall the exact moment when my hubby and I decided we were going to have a baby. It was in mid-February 2013. We have been married for two years – both had well-paying jobs and were holidaying in Dubai. I just turned 28 and was very sure we had a lot of time to try. A year passed, and we thought maybe our timing wasn't right. I was not too bothered. Hey, I was just 29 years of age, and we had a lot of friends within our age group and some even older who were getting pregnant without any issues. When another year went by and I still didn't conceive, I started to become a little bit worried. But I was living in denial, as I refused to believe something could be wrong. After 3 years of unsuccessful tries, it was clear we needed to have things…Read More
cute baby girls face
Although I always knew I would have trouble getting pregnant, I did not know my husband and I would face so many challenges when trying to build our own family. I got married when I was about to clock 40 and had suffered from endometriosis, tubal problems, and fibroids. Not a great start! However, we began our family-building journey with much enthusiasm, believing "a little assistance" would bring us the child we so much desire. I had always dreamed of being a mother ever since I was a little kid, babysitting and carrying other people's children, waiting for the time when I would get pregnant and have my own baby. We began IVF treatment using my eggs at 41, and the reproductive endocrinologist told us that my "advanced maternal age" meant I might have a few good eggs left, but we were not discouraged. My first egg retrieval yielded 4…Read More

Lucina Egg Bank Advantages

Selecting Your Ideal Donor Has Never Been Easier

For Future Parents

Find Your Perfect Egg Donor

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